Why We Love Pecans at True North Granola

By Kate Springer

Go Nuts Granola
Photo credit: Clare Barboza

At True North Granola, we love nuts, especially pecans! We have such a special place in our hearts for pecans that seven of our products feature them. Since April is National Pecan Month, it’s a great time to think about how you can incorporate this nutritious and rich nut into your diet. We’re here to give you a refresher on why these nuts deserve some extra attention, plus which of our granolas and Nutty No Grainers feature them.

The Lowdown on Why These Nuts are Nutritious

The National Pecan Shellers Association complied some reasons why pecans pack a punch in nutritional value.

Among other things, they’re:

  • Abundant in vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A and B. While vitamin A helps with vision and growth, vitamin B helps with energy and cell function.
  • Fiber-rich: At 3 grams, 1 ounce of pecans contains close to 10% of the recommended daily value of fiber.
  • Heart-healthy: Pecans are high in monosaturated fats, a type of healthy fats, while also being rich sources of potassium, magnesium and calcium, all of which lower blood pressure.
  • Protein: A natural source of protein, pecans will keep you full for longer.
  • Naturally sodium-free: These are a great choice for diets that are low in salt and sodium.

Our Products with Pecans

Nutty No Grainer Original ingredients, including pecans
Photo credit: Clare Barboza

We love all of our products with pecans, especially how they can add a crunchy and healthy element to our granolas and Nutty No Grainers. In fact, all of the Nutty No Grainers that are currently in our product lineup include this nut, and it’s no wonder why!

Our pecan-filled products include the following:


  • Go Nuts Granola: Our signature granola is loaded with pistachios, pecans, almonds and dried cranberries. It’s the one that started it all!
  • Pumpkin Granola: This seasonal favorite has pecans, five pumpkin pie spices and raisins. Its appealing flavor has made it popular for fall—and beyond!
  • First Date Granola (GF & vegan): With no refined sugar, trying this granola is like ‘love at first sight.’ It’s sweetened with the smallest amount of date powder to make a huge impact.
  • Cherry Vanilla Granola (GF & vegan): Dried cherries, pecans and coconut chips have made Cherry Vanilla a go-to favorite since its launch in 2015.

Nutty No Grainers (NNG)

All of our Nutty No Grainers are grain-free, gluten-free and vegan, with a magical blend of spices.

  • Nutty No Grainer Original: This maple-blended snack mix satisfies the need for something savory and slightly sweet, which makes it perfect to enjoy on its own or on top of an entrée.
  • Nutty No Grainer with Cranberries: Loaded with cranberries and spices, it is a mouthwatering delight that works well on yogurt or in oatmeal.
  • Nutty No Grainer Mediterranean: Savory and with an exotic spice blend, our first foray into a no-sugar-added snack mix fits well into a Mediterranean Diet. Add some to salads, pesto pasta or whatever you’re craving.

We hope this gives you a sense of why we use pecans for an extra special touch in so many of our products. From Go Nuts Granola to Nutty No Grainer Original, pecans give these products a rich mouthfeel, making them taste more unique than they would otherwise. Happy National Pecan Month!