Why Ginger is Great: Health Benefits of Our Ginger Granola

By Kate Springer

Close-up of Ginger Granola
Our delicious Ginger Granola. Photo credit: Clare Barboza

Our Ginger Granola is a fan favorite. It’s vegan, gluten-free and bursting with flavor, thanks to a delightful blend of rolled oats, almonds, seeds, pure maple syrup, dried pineapple and crystallized ginger. When eaten, its mouthfeel evokes being on a tropical island, far from the sometimes snowy Green Mountain State of Vermont, where True North Granola calls home.

While the ingredients blend together for an unforgettable flavor, it’s the namesake ginger that’s worthy of another look. Not only is it tasty, but it’s good for your health, too. Read on to learn how ginger tastes good and does good.

Ginger’s Origins

With origins in China, ginger made its way across Asia. Most ginger today comes from India. Used as an herbal and ancient medicine, ginger has a distinct aroma and the ability to warm those who eat it up.

According to a UCLA exhibit on spices, ginger is also a sialogogue when chewed, which means it can help lesson dry mouth. Due to this, it’s been used in many Chinese teas and traditional medicines over the years.

Even though ginger has its roots in Asia, it’s become a favorite worldwide.  

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger has been used for centuries as a treatment for numerous ailments and illnesses. If you want more incentive to munch on Ginger Granola, here’s an overview of some ways the spice helped (and could help) those who have consumed it.

Note: Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding may want to check with a medical professional before eating lots of ginger regularly, including having herbal tea with it included, due to its spiciness. We also always recommend talking to a professional before using ginger as a major treatment for any illness or symptoms. 

Recommendations for Enjoying Ginger Granola

Bulk Bag of Ginger Granola
A bulk bag of Ginger Granola. Photo credit: Clare Barboza

Now that you know a bit more about this much-loved spice, how should you enjoy our Ginger Granola (once you stock up, of course)? If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out the ideas below.

  • Straight out of the bag
  • In a trail mix
  • On top of a pie, crumble or baked fruit
  • Swirled into the batter of muffins or cupcakes
  • On top of your bowl of yogurt
  • Any way you choose!

The next time you reach for anything with ginger, Ginger Granola included, rest assured that it’s beneficial for your health, while being oh-so-delicious.