Bulk Granola

Buy Granola in Bulk Online

All of our delicious granola flavors are also sold in bulk sizes of 3, 5, or 10 lb. bags. Wholesale granola options are also available.

  • Our granola freezes well for up to one year, allowing you to plan ahead
  • Save money when you buy in bulk granola – less cost for labor and transportation
  • More eco-friendly with less packaging
  • Less time spent reordering amazing granola products

True North Granola has been making granola in Brattleboro, Vermont since 2007. We are committed to helping our customers get the best possible granola, at a great price, without additional packaging.Β  You will save at least $1 to $2 per pound when buying granola bulk as compared to our regular 12 oz bags of granola.

Our granola is often found in bulk bins in co-ops and grocery stores throughout New England. And now, you can buy bulk granola online!

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